Poor Backhand Grip (Volley)


Volleys are the most commonly hit shots in pickleball and if players don't use good grips (i.e. a continental grip), they will most likely have trouble being effective. Let's look at a common red flag that can pop up.


Inverted Forehand

When players use an eastern forehand grip (like holding a frying pan) they are likely to struggle on their backhand side. One 'solution' is to flip the paddle over so their hand is in a  strong position behind the handle. This can be known as an 'inverted forehand'.

Low Ball Nightmares

The inverted forehand almost always produces a downward paddle angle. And while this can be managed on high balls, a low ball will make it very difficult to hit up and over the net. And as players advanced and receive more low balls, they will struggle with consistency. 



Solution: Grip Change

Players should develop the feel of hitting with a continental grip (and this usually takes a long time to solidify if not learned early). The open paddle face produced by this grip will make it much easier to handle balls on the backhand side, even low ones.

Alternatively, if players insist on keeping the eastern forehand grip when hitting backhands, they could use a second hand to provide additional support. This is a 'quick-fix' for many players although they do give up some reach when hitting with two hands.